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Privacy Policy

Our company respects the privacy of its clients and visitors to this website and online presentation. The Privacy Policy provides information on how personal information is collected, stored and used when you visit our online presentation. The task is to protect your personal data while you are on our website. With the privacy statement we want to inform you about what information JD Properties and Consuting d.o.o. collects during your visit to the website and how they are used.

When visiting our website on the web address you consent to collection of general information that is not used as personal data (which means that this information is not registered). Web servers used for this purpose may collect the following information: the name of your internet provider, the website from which you visited us, the websites you visit while on our website, your IP address, etc. This information is analyzed in anonymous form and is used exclusively to improve our website in terms of productivity, required content and easy handling and navigation on the website presentation.

You are kindly asked to read the privacy policy carefully before reviewing the website, as the provisions of this privacy policy will apply to you while you are on our website. By accessing, searching and using our site, you confirm that you accept the privacy policy and agree to it. If you do not wish your information to be used as set out in this Privacy Policy, you should not use our site.

The use of our website, as well as any of your inquiries, belongs to the complete business conditions of our company and the terms of use of the site, which are all listed on the site. Please, take the time to read them carefully, as they contain essential terms and conditions that apply to you as the end user of the service we provide.

What is the name of our company?

For the purposes of the Law on Personal Data Protection, your personal data is collected and processed by JD Properties and Consuting d.o.o.

What information do we collect?

  • When you visit our site, you agree that we may collect: information such as your IP address, the type and version of your browser and other anonymous information we collect when you use and view our site, to help us improve our site and the services we provide to you.
  • Personal information such as name, address, telephone number and e-mail address, when you registered on the site or when you sent us an inquiry.
  • The first time you register on the site (even if you have not registered before), we will know who you are and we will be able to link the information we collect about your activities (via the Internet, telephone, computer, tablet, etc.) with you.

Personal data is collected only if it is submitted to us when registering, filling out forms or sending e-mails, as well as when sending other inquiries or requests. Such data are collected in terms of Article 12, paragraph 1, item 3 in connection with Article 14, paragraph 2, item of the Law on Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Serbia. The collected personal data are kept and available on a personal, subject related or other basis, within the data collection, and the data controller is responsible for them. The manner of using the database and your information collected in the described manner is such that they remain with JD Properties and Consuting d.o.o.

In that sense, by registering on our portal, you, as a user, consent to JD Properties and Consuting d.o.o. collecting and processing the following data (hereinafter: data processing): Your (user’s) personal data specified in the form of registration/mailing and data on your (user’s) inquiries. The mentioned consent for data processing is given for the purpose of getting acquainted with your habits during lease and real estate transactions, for information purposes, as well as for our other needs related to business and performing our activity.

You, as a visitor, are aware of the right to withdraw this statement of consent in full at any time. With withdrawal of the statement of consent, the processing of your data and registration with us will completely stop. You, as a visitor, are aware of the right to withdraw this statement of consent for data processing partially at any time.

As we have stated, the visitor has the right to revoke the written consent for the processing of personal data at any time. For this purpose, it is enough to send an e-mail to our contact e-mail address: office[at]

What do we do with the information we collect?

The main reason why we use such information (your personal data) is to improve your business and service delivery to the end user, as well as to improve our services, i.e., to provide you with the opportunity to be informed about all additional offers and positive changes and with a view to improving quality in relation to JD Properties and Consulting d.o.o.

We also use use such information:

  • to respond to your inquiries sent via the site;
  • to develop and improve our services;
  • for statistics, market research, surveys and research purposes to manage our site;
  • to improve our site, as well as to ensure that the content presented on the site is most effectively applicable to you and your computer, phone, tablet, etc.;
  • to inform you about changes on our site or about changes in our services;
  • to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of advertising our services on the site;
  • to provide you with information about new and changed services that we think may be of interest to you.

You agree that we may retain copies of any correspondence you send us and we will retain and store your registration data. Any personal data you send us and any information from which we can identify you, we retain and possess in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection.

Who do we share this information with?

We will not forward your personal data to third parties in any way, we will only use the information obtained to improve our business and in accordance with all rules of the profession and applicable laws. Companies that we engage in our business on any basis, may use your personal information in strict accordance with our instructions and may not be used for other purposes, except in some cases, but only by law, or at the request of the competent state authority. We also require all persons with whom we cooperate to treat your personal data as confidential and in accordance with all applicable regulations of the Republic of Serbia concerning the protection of personal data.

Where do we store your personal data?

JD Properties d.o.o., i.e. the company that handles the data and the person who processes the data, takes technical, personnel and organizational security measures to protect the information you have made available from unintentional or intentional misuse, loss, destruction, alteration or access by unauthorized persons. In case of collection and processing of personal data, the information will be forwarded in coded form in order to prevent their misuse by third parties. Our data security measures are constantly checked in accordance with technical achievements. Unfortunately, the transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure. While we will endeavor to protect your personal information in any case, we cannot guarantee the security or secure transfer of any information transferred to or from our site and any transfer of data is at your own risk.

Linking to other websites

It may happen that you link to other sites that are not under our control and on which we have no influence. After you leave our site, you agree that we cannot be held responsible for protection, privacy, confidentiality, etc. for any information or data you have received from such sites.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

Any compliance or changes we make to this Privacy Policy will be posted on our site, and it is recommended that you check these from time to time. You agree that we reserve the right to make adequate changes at any time, also in the event of changes in positive regulations. If you have a problem, question or idea, please contact us with a suggestion. Due to the continuous development of the Internet, it is necessary to adjust the Personal Data Protection Statement from time to time.

How to contact us?

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at: office[at] or via the contact form on our Contact page.