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Price list

Types of services provided by JD Properties and Consulting doo on the client’s order (hereinafter the PRINCIPAL):

  1. Brokerage in real estate leasing
  2. Brokerage in real estate purchase and sale
  3. Estimation of the market value of real estate
  4. Real estate management
  5. Consulting with a view to placing real estate on the real estate market in the best possible manner
  6. Consulting with a view to purchasing real estate on the real estate market in the best possible manner

1. Brokerage in real estate leasing

Price list for brokering services in real estate leasing

The amount of the broker’s fee is charged upon the completion of the transaction/execution of the Lease Agreement and depends on:

  • The amount of the monthly rent of the real estate and the agreed duration of the lease

Brokerage in real estate leasing

  • Amount of monthly rent (from -to in €)
    Amount of broker’s fee
  • from € 150 to € 950
    50% of the monthly rent
  • from € 951 and more
    From 70* to 100% of the monthly rent

The broker’s fee may be agreed otherwise, and in accordance with the Law on Real Estate Sale and Lease Brokerage, which directly means that it can be agreed in a specific amount of compensation for the scope of brokering operations/ brokerage or other appropriate percentage that both parties agree upon and execute a Brokerage Agreement under which the amount of the compensation or the percentage for the broker’s fee will be precisely quoted.

2. Brokerage in real estate purchase and sale

Price list for brokering services in real estate purchase and sale

The amount of the broker’s fee is charged upon the completion of the transaction /execution of the Agreement or Preliminary Agreement on real estate sale, all of which is stated in the Brokerage Agreement between the Broker and the principal and amounts to

The minimum broker’s fee for brokerage activities when buying and selling real estate is EUR 750 in dinar equivalent, calculated at the middle exchange rate of the NBS on the day of payment for the brokerage service.

In accordance with the Law on Brokerage, the percentage for the brokerage service for the real estate transaction is variable and amounts to 1 to 99% of the agreed purchase price.

The broker’s fee may be agreed otherwise, and in accordance with the Law on Real Estate Sale and Lease Brokerage, which directly means that it can be agreed in a specific amount of compensation for the scope of brokering operations/ brokerage or other appropriate percentage that both parties agree upon and execute a Brokerage Agreement under which the amount of the compensation or the percentage for the broker’s fee will be precisely quoted.

3. Estimation of the market value of the leased real estate

Estimation of the market value of the leased real estate

  • Real estate type
    Square footage
    Estimation price (denominated in dinars)
  • Apartment, house
    From 20 to 200
    € 100
  • Apartment, house
    More than 200
    € 150
  • Business space
    From 60 and more
    € 120

4. Real estate management

Real estate management

  • Type of real estate
    Amount of monthly rent in euros
    Price of service on a monthly basis
  • Apartment, house, office space
    from 200 to 1500
    10% of the monthly rent
  • Apartment, house, office space
    over 1500
    € 150 (denominated in dinars)

5. Consulting with a view to placing real estate on the real estate market in the best possible manner

The price for a working hour of consulting is RSD 6000.00.

6. Consulting with a view to purchasing real estate on the real estate market in the best possible manner

The price for a working hour of consulting is RSD 6000.00.