The property is there to support your business success and protect your privacy. We listen to you carefully, we connect your requirements with market dynamics, knowledge, and extensive experience. We prepare you for every step during the process and ensure productive collaborations.
Active participation in the real estate market, continuous professional development, education in the field of business dealings and negotiations qualify our team to support you in the process of purchase, sale, and lease of land, office buildings, luxury residential real estate.
The JD properties team consists of licensed agents who recognize the importance of time and service integrity. According to your needs, we also involve outside contractors so that your experience in working with us is safe, efficient, and pleasant.
We engage professionals from renowned law firms, insurance, and appraisal management companies in the area of providing legal advice, cost-effectiveness, investment management risk assessment. We have not neglected the importance of aesthetics, usefulness, and comfort, architects and designers are here to transform space into your lifestyle.
See you at the location.
JD properties
Majke Jevrosime 47
11102 Stari grad – Belgrade